Proyek Kampung Loco

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Medicines and emergencies

Sometimes we receive spontaneous donations from people, who aren’t directly linked to the support of a child. When we rebuild our house in Holland, the contractor gave us back a part of the payment and told us to buy medicine for it, which we could take with us to the project. This was new to us and we thought about it well, how we could do this the right way. Medicine is expensive in Holland and people can’t read the prescription in Indonesia, so that wasn’t an option. We decided to take the money instead and presented the problem to the 4 guys at the Kampung. They came with the idea to buy the medicine at a “Toko Obat” (pharmacy), where one of the guys is working. This Toko is owned by a mutual friend: Martin Ponti from Switzerland. He is Married to Rohanna, a girl from Lombok and runs a small guesthouse (Mandalika Homestay) and the pharmacy.

And so we now had an extra budget for medicine, next to the support for the children. This amount increases every year through donations from people who aren’t directly supporting a child.

These medicines can now be given to the people at no cost, like a cure for worms or normal painkillers.

Until 2006 we collected the medicine from Martin’s this way. To reduce costs and to get more medicine for the same amount of money, we decided in October 2006 to get the medicine directly from the supplier in Chakranegara.

The medicinebox

We explained this to Martin and thanked him for the help he has given us over time. Martin is still supporting the project with all his heart.

At this time, there is a glass cupboard filled with all kinds of medicine at Cuk’s store, from which the villagers make use thankfully. Cuk and his wife June manage the use of the medicine, e.g. when a person keeps returning for the same drug, a good conversation follows and maybe this person is advised to go see a doctor.

Sometimes it happens that villagers get really sick and have to go to a hospital for treatment, or that a person has been sick for such a long time that hospitalisation is required.

Often this is the case with women, who had trouble during childbirth, due to lack of medical assistance. But also older people, or people who got injured in an accident, and need medical assistance, which they cannot afford themselves.

To help the villagers from Kampung Loco in these kinds of situations and to prevent that people postpone the medical help until the money is collected, we have opened a separate bank account.

This account is sponsored through free donations and through the interest, gathered from the amounts on other accounts for the project. In this way we can contribute, in a small way, to the healthcare of the community.

If you want to contribute to this “Proyek”, see the contact page for the wire transfer information.